Nacecare 1120 Series
Compact scrubbing and even more compact storing
Not everyone has the closet square footage of the Hollywood elite, but who wants their stinky floor scrubber hanging out for all to see like a pile of dirty laundry? Nacecare's 1120 series of scrubbers feature a tillable scrub deck that reduces its overall profile so it can be easily stashed in a utility closet alongside all those skeletons that have taken up residence.
Nacecare offers specialized cleaning solutions at affordable prices. Their machines include. Well known for their "Henry" wet dry vacuums (you know the ones, with the faces!) they also offer a wide range of backpack vacuums, carpet spotters, steam cleaners, and even floor scrubbers! When it come to commercial cleaning in small to medium sized retail and hospitality spaces, Nacecare has you covered.